Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lab 3 Neogeography

View 2009-2010 NBA's Scoring Leaders in a larger map

Neogeography is great for making maps about what interests us. In this case it was the NBA scoring leaders as I have a very high interest in the sport of basketball and there is even more added interest with the upcoming playoffs. This sort of map can give us a visual of who the best scorers in the NBA are and where they play. It's not only limited to just dots on a map. There can even be lines to show your itinerary on a recent trip to show what you thought was interesting. This way other people can follow the same trail if they share the same interests.
The pitfalls of neogeography happens because of its ease of use. Because it's so easy nearly anyone can make their own maps whether they be good or bad both morally and quality wise. For example, one could make a map of where to buy certain illegal drugs but can give poor directions. In this sense the map is both morally and qualitatively bad. It gives you locations to where something illegal might be but it doesn't do so in a very good manner. Basically with neogeography there are not ways of quality control or a way to make sure the information given is correct.
Also with so much maps out there people may become overloaded with information that it is difficult for them to choose just one. Consequently they may choose to ignore the maps altogether and look somewhere else as a source of information. In the end the main question is, "Who cares?"

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